Lice Eggs and Hair Treatment

Lice Eggs and Hair Treatment

Parasites generally have properties that are not good. Its life and resides in the host and detrimental to the host.

Peduculosis is the hair disorder on the head caused by an infection of head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis called or Pediculus capitis hamnus var (Ph.capitis). Pediculosis has been known since antiquity and is found cosmopolitan (worldwide).

Head lice are an ectoparasite for humans. His favorite places to live in the back hair of the head, the most frequently bitten lice on the back of the head and neck. Bite will cause skin irritation caused by the saliva, which was issued in time to suck the blood of patients.

Every human has a different sensitivity. Cutaneous lesions caused by the bite of Pediculus humanus capitis react very itchy. Scratching can increase due to inflammation and secondary infection by bacteria to forming pus. The itching is a symptom of the first and most important, sign of a scratch mark is a distinctive sign.

head lice

Head lice lives and breed in scalp on the dirty hair, wet, seldom combed and washed. Infect humans who do not maintain a healthy hair and head.

Head lice can move quickly and easily move from one host to another. Easily transmitted by direct contact or by an intermediary goods are shared. For example, a comb, hair brush, hats and others. It is happen among school children commonly, especially girls who lack personal hygiene of scalp and hair.

Children who live in the mountains with cold air in the morning to make reluctant or lazy for bathe or wash the hair as they get ready to go to school. Besides, public awareness and parental health and children's personal hygiene is still relatively poor. Most of them complained of a severe itching of the scalp and the presence of ulcers on the skin due to scratching their heads. The first symptom is intense itching and scratch marks are typical symptoms of Pediculus humanus capitis infection.
Pediculus humanus capitis is an ectoparasite that infects humans, including within the family pediculidae and transmitted through direct contact with the intermediate goods that used together. For example: comb, hair brush, hats, and others.

Morphology of head lice

Adult head lice

lice eggs

Adult lice shaped flat and elongated, white-gray, angular ovoid head, abdomen consists of nine segments. At the head seems a simple pair of adjacent lateral eyes, a pair of short antenna which consists of five sections and the proboscis, which can be elongated piercer. Each segment of the thorax that have come together to have a pair of strong legs which consists of 5 sections and ending as a hook that resembles dealing with the tibia to cling to the hair.

The size of male lice about 2 mm, genital shaped like the letter "V". While measuring 3mm female lice, genital shaped like the letter "V" upside down. In the last abdominal segment has a hole in the middle of the dorsal genital and 2 genital bulge in the lateral part of the glue holding the hair for eggs. The number of eggs laid during his lifetime is estimated to 140 grains.


Nymph is shaped like an adult head lice, just a smaller form.


Egg white has operculum from 0.6 to 0.8 mm are called "nits". Oval shaped and has an adhesive, so it can be firmly attached to the hair. The eggs will hatch into nymphs within 5-10 days.

Life Cycle

Life cycle of head lice is an incomplete metamorphosis, namely egg-nymph-adult. The eggs will hatch into nymphs within 5-10 days after issued by the parent lice. After experiencing three times the turnover of skin, the nymph will turn into adult lice within 7-14 days. Enough food in the state of adult lice can live 27 days.


Head lice are human parasites and spread it all over the world. Places like was the hair on the back of the head. Head lice can move quickly and easily move from one host to another. Head lice can survive 10 days at 5C without eating, it can suck the blood for a long time, die at a temperature of 400C. Heat at a temperature of 600C dent destroy eggs within 15-30 minutes. Head lice easily spread by direct contact or by intermediate goods are used together. For example, a comb, hair brush, hats and others.
In severe infection, the hair will stick to one another and hardened, can be found many adult lice, eggs (nits) and pus exudates from the inflamed bites. Infection occurs by direct contact easily. Prevention is by maintaining the cleanliness of the head.

Pathology and Clinical Symptoms

Lesions happen on the scalp caused by lice puncture during blood sucking. Lesions are often found in the back of the head or neck. Stimulates saliva, which cause red papules and intense itching.


The diagnosis is made if there is a sense of intense itching by scratching marks and certainly if it is found Pediculus humanus capitis adults, nymphs and eggs.

Treatment of Various Kinds

Eradication of head lice can be done by hand, or with a comb, chlorine insecticide groups (benzene hexa chloride). Prevention is by good personal hygiene of the scalp. On examination technique used is the direct examination. This technique is most easily done and it takes a little time. Another advantage that do not use reagents that destroy parasites and reagents that are used less. Formalin serves to kill the parasite.

Various kinds of drugs to Pediculus humanus capitis (Head lice):

Lindane Shampoo 1%, Gamma benzene hexa chloride or pyrethrin. Dose, hair shampoos leave 4-10 minutes, then rinsed with pyrethrin. Use until the hair gets wet, allow 10 minutes then rinse. (Follow-up check your hair for lice eggs after 1 week treatment).
Lindane ointment (BHC 10%), or 10% DDT powder or 1% in pyrophylite BHC; or Benzaos benzylicus emulsion. Doses, can be rubbed with ointment epala Lindane (BHC 1%) or powdered with DDT or BHC 10% in 1% or better pyrophlite with the use of 3-5 grams of the mixture for a single use. Powder was left for a week on hair and hair washed and combed to release eggs. Emulsion of benzyl benzoate was also successful (Brown.HW, 1983).

Liquid of hexachlorocyclohexane 0.5%. Dose, apply on the hair and head up evenly and let it dry overnight and then washed.

For natural home lice remedies treatment please read again in home lice remedies.
Thank you for reading , I hope these tips helpful.

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